Brand Story

An international ecommerce startup
Born in a pandemic, ParcelPlanet is an order fulfillment company, branded by A Worth Cause.
Building a Strategy
The company grew from the initial concept of utilising the resources of an existing business and creating a second entity to run in tandem with that business. The 3 partners involved had a warehouse, staff and stock systems in place, along with existing and longstanding relationships with courier companies.
From ecommerce sales into order fulfillment was sideways step, but a purposeful reasoned one. With the facilities already in pace for their own business, warehousing and despatching sales for others was a logical step.
They faced a major challenge. They had never launched a business like this before. Coming from a more worklike and functional background in stationery supplies, launching a personality-driven ecommerce platform was a leap of faith.
They needed a name; they needed visibility; and they needed both of these to stand out as an entirely separate entity from the existing business. The new brand had to be memorable, to really speak to people.
Joining the Team
A Worthy Cause was brought into the team early in the process to begin the work on the strategy. Hundreds of names were narrowed down to 3 or 4. These were promptly ditched and we started again (& again). Early on we identified values that would be key - a broad outlook that would quickly expand beyond a narrow domestic market. This would be underpinned with solid structure and principles; reliability and automation, and fun.
The fun aspect would be paramount. The guys who run the business know that happy staff are loyal and proud. But more than being about the bottom line, they want ParcelPlanet to be a place people just want to come into work.
Starting in 2020, the project began just after Covid hit. Long Zoom sessions started methodically, setting golas and plans, identifying potential issues, building a strategy. As the relationship grew nonsense talk in creased. This more informal part led to the solution. We soon realised the new company's key values could all be visualised in sci-fi terms. Mission control had lift-off.
Nono from Ulysses 31, C3-PO and the robot from Lost in Space all loomed large when envisaging automation and robotic processes. Couriers loading became ships docking at Alpha Centauri. Efficiency and speed were shown with blazing comets and rocket launches.
Launchpads and satellites throw up ideas of reliability, GPS guidance and business growth. These were all the messages that were pin-pointed in the strategy as being central to the business mission - the things that potential clients wanted to hear.
A very flexible brand evolved. A brand that is able to break its own rules for fun, within reason. Surely rules are made for breaking?
Over time and with faster than expected growth due to the pandemic's online sales boom, new markets were explored beyond Ireland. The brand was never static, and together we have grown the brand with animations and more character than ever.
The initial branding project began in 2020, but is still evolving. Every new piece adds to the brand and brings it to life. A Worthy Cause has produced the visual identity, brand guidelines, characters and animations, packaging, branded gifts, an ecommerce website, reproducible warehouse signage and brand elements, branded clothing and printed information.