Our Design Process
This is all about you.
Design is about people; you, your organisation's people, your audience. It's about building perceptions, drawing attention, communicating. We don't design for robots. Usually.
The Design Process
If you have already commissioned graphic design, then you will be familiar with the general process. If you have not, or are unsure whether it is something you need, this page will help you make that decision.
This page gives an overview to A Worthy Cause's design process from concept drawings to completed projects.
Identifying Challenges
The first step in any design is to clearly define an end point, a target to achieve. This may be an extensive rebrand for a large company that involves the buy-in from widespread stakeholders, it might be a short-run flyer that a child would like. Each has its own challenges.
Early in the process these challenges should be identified so the final design works with or around them as best suits. In the example below, this was a project that changed early on as it was recognised that it could be seen as trying to gain cultural capital from Black Lives Matter. It was not, or course, but unclear messaging would have been an undesirable outcome, so the project pivoted early.

Work Starts
After the initial consultation, or sometimes during it, initial concept sketches are worked up. Everything is kept light and free, with quick iteration. This saves time and stops the process becoming fixed on something that has required dedicated early work.
Projects are sent to the client for approval after initial concepts are created. Ordinarily these will show a widespread variety in approach. The reason behind this is that each will have identified a different angle on conveying the message. The choice then is to further refine the solution that defines the exact message the client wishes to convey.
As we said, it's all about you.

The labour in every job is the final stage. Once a route is chosen, the artwork is then created for every platform and context identified in the original consultation.
Edits are always made at this, usually a small number of rounds. This is inevitable. Content will always be see in a different light when it goes from being an emailed Word document to a large wall, a book, a website or wherever else it appears.
A Worthy Cause's job is to serve your content, and deliver your message as best fits, with the greatest efficiency.